Pioneers in eliminating
herniated discs without surgery.
We help eliminate pain and recover our patients’ quality of life. About the Centro de la Columna Vertebral
Pioneers in the treatment of herniated discs without surgery. We have 26 years of experience and more than 38,000 pain-free patients.
Centro de la Columna Vertebral is a medical institution that for several years has successfully offered a non-surgical approach without side effects, risks or complications.
The Ovando Sanders Treatment, which consists of a non-invasive approach with allopathic treatment, nutritional and physical therapy is effective in the treatment of degenerative lumbosacral pathologies, such as herniated discs.
Centro de Columna Vertebral is a medical institution that was directed by Dr. Eloy Ovando Sanders, which is constituted and operating under the regulation of our country.
Amplia experiencia a tu dispocisión. Fundamental therapies
Our conservative and comprehensive treatment (Ovando Sanders Treatment) consists of 3 fundamental therapies that help you recover without the need for surgery.
Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Nutritional control and adjustment
We are interested in your well-being What our more than 30,000 patients say...
Cofepris Permit: 213300201A2069
Sanitary Responsible: DR. Luis Antonio Hernandez Fernandez
Con especialidad en ORTOPEDIA Y TRAUMATOLOGIA, CED ESP. 3872452.